Looking for the perfect book for Earth Day to use in your special education classroom? Here are 5 that fit the bill and activities to do with each.
1. We are Water Protectors by Carole Lindstrom

We are Water Protectors won the Caldecott Medal in 2019. This book for Earth Day is great for all ages. It is a beautifully written and illustrated story about the Indigenous-led movement across North America to save the world’s water supply. Your students will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of water conservation and protection. In addition, students will gain an appreciation for how Indigenous people realize the critical need for an endless supply of clean water for the earth (and us) to survive.
Here are some activities you can do with this book:
- Create a collage of all different types of water sources
- Create a thinking map of all the different threats there are to water
- Sort helpful and harmful effects to the world’s water supply
Check out the complete literacy unit with print and digital activities for We are Water Protectors.
2. My Friend Earth by Patricia MacLachlan

My Friends Earth is another great book for Earth Day that is good for all ages. This book goes into all the things the Earth provides for us and the other living things here. The pages have intricate cut-outs that layer upon each revealing more and more as you continue through the story. As Earth wakes up from winter, there are many things to be done to ensure all the plants, animals, and people enjoy another glorious year.
Here are some activities you can do with this book:
- Create a collage of all the things the earth provides that you learn about in the story
- Sort various types of land versus bodies of water
- Identify examples of personification used in this book and come up with some of your own
Check out the complete literacy unit with print and digital activities for My Friend Earth.
3. Earth Day – Hooray! by Stuart Murphy

Earth Day – Hooray! is a great book for Earth Day if you are looking for ways to bring Earth Day into your math lessons. In this story, kids are trying to collect 5000 cans to recycle and raise money to buy flowers for a neighborhood park. There are not only ways to explore recycling and its benefits, but students can practice counting by 10’s and 100’s as the cans are gathered.
Here are some activities you can do with this book:
- Create a circle map of all the things that come in cans and can be recycled
- Practice counting cans (bags hold 10 cans and barrels hold 100 cans)
- Come up with a list of jobs that are easier to do with a group of people rather than alone (like collect 5000 cans!!)
Check out the complete literacy unit with print and digital activities for Earth Day – Hooray!
4. Earth Day, Birthday! by Maureen Wright

Earth Day, Birthday! is a cute story about animals in the jungle trying to celebrate Earth Day. But this silly little monkey keeps interrupting, telling everyone it is not Earth Day, it is his birthday. In the end, they have a combined celebration.
Here are some activities you can do with this book:
- Create a circle map of animals that live in a jungle
- Sort items that would be at a birthday party or an Earth Day party
- Create an invitation for an Earth Day, Birthday celebration
Check out the complete literacy unit with print and digital activities for Earth Day, Birthday!
5. Earth Day Escape: Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew by Carolyn Keene

No list of books for Earth Day would be complete without at least one novel!! Earth Day Escapade is the perfect short novel to read aloud to your students for Earth Day. This is a Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew book. Nancy is only in 3rd grade in this series, and in this book, she and her friends are trying to solve the mystery of who is trying to ruin their Earth Day float. The chapters are super short, so you should be able to finish the book in a week.
Here are some activities you can do with this book:
- Sort things that can and cannot go into a compost pile
- Identify various idioms and what they mean (like come clean and be green)
- Identify various consequences of telling a lie
Check out the complete novel unit (printable only) for Earth Day Escapade
So there you have 5 great books for Earth Day you can add to your list. You can either check out the book at the library or find a video of it read aloud on YouTube. Teaching about Earth Day through a story is not only engaging for your students but can inspire you with a whole new list of activities.
For more great (and FRE) activities for Earth Day head over to my blog post 25 Excellent Activities for Earth Day