Word Problems Addition and Subtraction for Special Education PRINT and DIGITAL


Total Pages 165 pages and 82 google slides
Answer Key Included
Teaching Duration 2 Weeks


This unit on solving word problems contains printable and digital material specifically designed for students with special learning needs, especially autism in elementary school.



  • Addition problems up to 10
  • Subtraction problems up to 10


There are many opportunities for students to engage in repeated information on understanding how to solve word problems. This repetition and scaffolding encourage a true understanding of the material.


Steps reviewed:

  1. Find the question
  2. Draw what you know
  3. Look for key words to decide the operation (add or subtract)
  4. Turn the picture into a math problem and solve
  5. Reread the problem using your answer to see if it makes sense


See Preview for a detailed look at the contents.


Solving Word Problems Unit Includes:


⭐ This unit comes in 2 complete files. One is in color and one is in black and white.


In the zipped folder you will find:

  • 10 day lesson plan
  • Word problems in color
  • Word problems in black and white
  • Voice-recorded PowerPoint show
  • Solving Word Problems book (PowerPoint) to use with activities
  • Links and directions to digital activities


Solving Word Problems Activities:


  • Vocabulary board
  • Group activities
    • 60 practice problems to use in small groups
    • templates/mats to work out problems using manipulatives
  • 2 worksheet sets:
    • 20 addition word problems
    • 20 subtraction word problems


Much of what I have learned about curriculum development is incorporated in these activities. For example, do not be afraid of repetition. It is critical that students with significant disabilities get to experience material over several days to be able to fully assimilate what is being taught. Also, adding visual supports to your printables and class activities helps students be able to pay more attention to the content you are presenting rather than the mechanics of what is expected. Finally, ask questions. Good questions!! Regardless of the material, if we can ask students good questions it will push them to think more deeply than before.



Free Worksheet Wednesday