
Compare and Contrast Reading Strategies for Special Education PRINT AND DIGITAL


Total Pages 140 plus 34 google slides
Answer Key Included
Teaching Duration 3 Weeks


This unit on Comparing and Contrasting contains 140 pages plus 34 google slides and was developed for students with autism and other special learning needs.


This unit provides lots of practice sequencing in a way that scaffolds skills that lead to using comparing and contrasting as a reading strategy.

  • Identify if the features of 2 objects as the same or different using a T-chart (4 worksheets)
  • Contrast 2 objects using a T-chart (3 worksheets)
  • Compare 2 objects using a Venn diagram (3 worksheets)
    • 2 different Venn Diagram templates provided
    • Color-coded option included
  • Compare 2 things in a short story using a Venn diagram (5 stories)


The materials are designed to allow students with multiple levels of learning to access and engage in the activities either through step-by-step worksheets or digitally through google slides. There are many opportunities for students to engage in repeated information on comparing and contrasting 2 things. This repetition encourages a deeper understanding of this concept.


Finally, there are group activities included that incorporate into the daily lesson.


*****This unit includes digital versions of the activities. There are 34 google slides (includes a differentiated set) and a movie version of the book.


***See Preview for a detailed look at this unit.***


Compare and Contrast Unit Includes:


  • 15 day lesson plan
  • 30 page book (includes a movie version)
  • Vocabulary board to use with group discussions
  • 5 group activities (includes large picture cards)
  • 4 worksheets finding things that are the same and different using a T-chart (includes digital version)
  • 3 worksheets finding things that are different using a T-chart (includes digital version)
  • 3 worksheets comparing 2 objects using a Venn diagram (includes digital version)
  • 5 short stories with 2 things to compare using a Venn diagram (includes digital version)
  • Quiz (includes digital version)


Much of what I have learned about curriculum development is incorporated in these units. For example, do not be afraid of repetition. It is critical that students with significant disabilities get to experience material over several days to be able to fully assimilate what is being taught. Also, adding visual supports to your printables and class activities helps students be able to pay more attention to the content you are presenting rather than the mechanics of what is expected. Finally, ask questions. Good questions!! Regardless of the material, we can ask students questions that will push them to think more deeply than before.


As always please take a moment to leave feedback or post any questions you may have.

