We can all use more kindness. And the idea of teaching our students about kindness sounds like a good idea, but the thought of pulling resources together to do it may seem overwhelming with everything else on your plate. Here are 14 kindness activities for kids you can download and use in your classroom today.
Kindness Activities
I decided to put together 14 different kindness activities for kids that show kindness and package them in this free download. Here is what you will find.

Kindness to others
Included are several opportunities for kids to show kindness to others. It may be in the form of a card or a special brownie they baked themselves. Being kind to others can be as simple as just listening to what your friend has to say.
Kindness to your community
We are all part of a community. It may be the school you are in, the town, or even the church you attend on Sunday. Your students can give back to their community and spread kindness through several activities with this kindness campaign.
Kindness to the earth
There is so much our students can do to take care of the earth that does not require very much time. You can start a recycling center in your classroom or spend an afternoon walking around the school grounds picking up trash or raking up leaves. Getting our students outside can be one of the best ways to see what needs to be done, and I have included an activity that will do just that.
Kindness to animals
Whether or not your students have pets at home, it is important they learn how to be kind to animals. Organizing a food drive for a local shelter will not only teach kindness to animals, but also kindness to the community. I even included a flyer you can customize and send out in order to get the entire school involved.
Kindness to ourselves
This is my favorite, and I think most important, way to show kindness. We are never too young to learn that the choices we make can affect how we think and feel. More importantly, what we say to ourselves can have the biggest impact of all. Students who use positive self-talk will ultimately, be happier, better adjusted, and kinder people. But, we need to teach them how to do that in structured, concrete (often visual) ways. You will have several activities to do that.
To get your 14 Day Kindness Campaign, click HERE.
If you want to see the Gratitude challenge for 2020 just click Free Gratitude Challenge for 2020|Distance Learning. I updated my Gratitude Challenge from 2019 so it now has digital versions of many of the activities.